We have been offering qualitative range of products that have been manufactured with latest and innovative techniques. All our products are aavaliable in use friendly designs and perform testing with great amount of accuracy and precision. We offer products that aremanufactured as per the client’s specifications without compromising on the quality aspect. Range of products offered by us includes Electronic Instruments e.g Digital pH meter, OHP ,Projector , Biological Slides ,Laboratory Mannekins , studies.Microscope with CCT camera ,Immaging system with software, and Laboratory glassware,& Chemicals . These products are widely in demand in the market due to the following features:-
- Technically accurate products.
- Easy to use and install.
- Make subjects easy and interesting.
- Powerful working and display.
- Help in minute
Application Area
I Cdiversified range of products are efficiently caster to various research work and studies. The technical accuracy of our products have given them wide recognition in the market. DUe to the consistent performance of our products they are widely been used in varipous application . Our range of products are mostly used in “-
- Agriculture
- Microbiology
- Agua Culture
- Biotechnology
- Biology
- Chemistry lab
- Forestry
- Under water study
- Mineral water plant
- Mines and Geology
- Pollution control & Enviroment studies
- Paramedical & Nursingh colleges
- Plants and Dyes
- Pharmaceuticals Depts
- Environmental studies
- Sewage plants
- Testile
- Pathology

Display Zoological and Botanical Specimens –
(in plastomount /Glassmount )
Plastomount or Glassmount specimens for museum display are most carefully selected and preserved in life form in our laboratory adn are securely mounted on plastic transparent white or black plate which ever will show the animals characteristic’s to the best advantages.
Human Models:

We offer a wide range of human models , which are used in laboratory and other research institutions. These are related to Zoology, Botany ,Chemistry, Biotechnology,Agriculture, Medical & Nursing etc. Further our models cover the full concept of the topic and makes the subject interesting and easy to learn.
Biotech Permanent Micro-Prepared Slides:-
(Slides are supplied strictly on Approval Basis)

Experience in preparing micro -prepared permanent slides for several years has proved “Specification is important.”
All slides are prepared in our modern well equipped – laboratory to meet the requirement of those who demand maximum efficiency and reliability. A vital function of our microtechnic laboratory is to inspect the arruracy of every slide at various stage of its manufacture in order to ensure our clients,the standard quality which is essentially required for teaching the subject.
Biotech Zoological & Botanical Class Work Material :

Biotech has perhaps , the largest and widest collection of preserved zoology & Botany material , Constant field collection cleaning and preservation by qualified persons make us not only leaders in the field but also ensures prompt and dependable supply,
(Each unit is sufficient for a class of 35 students . All larvas packer in doz)