Code Number | Product Name & Description | Price Rs. |
BPS-1 | Learning Psycho Apparatus. | |
a ) Mirror drawing app :- simple wooden make mica set. b) Mirror Drawing App :- Elect/Battery with star. c ) Mirror Drawing App. :- Elect operated with error counter. d) Electronic digital Drawing Mirror app. with reset counter & timer. e)Mirror Drawing Scorning Sheet g) Mirror star paper | 1800/- 3000/- 4800/- 12500/- 250p/100 200p/100 |
BPS-2 | A. Finger Maze (Mica make )-deluxe quality. B. Pencil Maze deluxe quality. C.Finger maze electrical D.Light measuring stand with measuring scale | 1100/ 1100/ 1840/ 4500/ |
BPS-3 | a. Human Maza apparatus stylus with light & sound simple. b. Human Maza apparatus elect with error counter Box type. c. Human Maze apparatus Elect/Battery operated with resetting counter digital counter. d. Electronic Digital Human Maze with reset error counter and timer. | 2100/- 3500/- 7500/- 12500/- |
BPS-4 | Card sorting tray- with one pkt card. | 1250/- |
BPS-5 | MC Dougal disc | 1200/- p/set |
BPS-6 | Winking Reflex apparatus to study conditional reflex phenomenon. | 2750/- |
BPS-8 | Letter cancellation test sheet. | 400/- p/set |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
BPS-10 | MC Dougall Disc in Black & red colours 15 each. | 1250/- |
BPS-10A | Attention Board Electrical with divison. | 3000/- |
BPS-10B | Attention Board with digital counter | 4800/- |
BPS-11 | Techistoscop-(Falling door) Deluxe quality. | 2500/- |
BPS-11B | Tachistoscope- (Electronic model )- electric arrangements. | 3500/- |
BPS-12 | Tachistoscope card :- Meaningful & Non-Meaning full ( Full set) | 200/- p/set |
BPS-12A | Tachistoscope camera shutter type electrical. | 2800/- |
Code Number | Product Code | Price Rs. |
BPS-13A | Memory Drum Apparatus Hand operated | 1800/- |
BPS-13B | Memory Drum App.Elect. operated with variables speed ( Deluxe ) | 13000/- |
Code Number | Product name | Price Rs. | |
BPS-14 | Venier Chronoscope for simp le R.T. | 3000/- | |
BPS-14A | ernier chronoscope- for simple choice & discriminative R.T. Elect./Battey operated. | 5000/- | |
BPS-14B | R.T. Apparatus with slight and stand Electronics digital set. | 15000/- | ![]() |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
BPS-15A | Aesthesiometer -(Caliper type,two point). | 300/- |
BPS-15B | Aesthesiometer (Caliper type,Three point. | 400/- |
BPS-16A | Muller Lyre App.with out stand,Illusion apparatus. | 1000/- |
BPS-16B | Muller Lyre App.- with stand illusion apparatus | 1500/- |
BPS-17 | Peri metert (Table model Capmimeter.) | 6700/-set |
BPS-17A | Chart R/L Eye for above. | 220/- set |
BPS-18A | Weight DIscrimination Box ( Illusion 10 weight ) | 1500/- |
BPS-18B | Weight Discrimination box (Illusion 14 weight) | 2000/- |
BPS-18C | Weight Discrimination box (Illusion 22 weight) | 2250/- |
BPS-19 | Golton bar ( Brass with stand ). | 715/- |
BPS-20 | Phi-Phenomenon app. Deluxe quality university model | 6000/- |
BPS-21 | Reflex conditioning electrical. | 5500/- |
BPS-22 | Normal curve demonstration app | 4500/- |
BPS-23A | Colour Mixture app. (Hand type) | 2000/- |
BPS-23B | Colour Mixture app.(variable spped elect.set deluxe quality. | 4000/- |
BPS-24 | Colour performance (paired comparision method | 1750/- |
BPS-25 | Colour contrast app. Elect. operated | 3500/- |
BPS-26 | Horizontal & Vertical illusion board | 3000/- |
BPS-27 | Tectural Localization of plain sopt with PAD & Hammor | 3000/- |
Code Number | Product name | Price Rs. |
BPS-28 | Ergoraph apparatus measuring muscular Fatique hand gripby paper & pencil .This is the new model of fatique with weight etc. | 10500/- |
BPS-28A | Ergograph electrical with recording drum | 14500/- |
BPS-28B | Biotech Grip Dynometer - a simple 'R' Balance altered for the purpose of inducing fatique. | 7500/- |
BPS-29 | Mental Fatique test sheet. (Each pkt of 100 sheets) | 780/- |
BPS-29A | Ergometer mechanice with timer &stopwatch. | 13500/- |
BPS-29B | Student Stimulator- Electronic | 3750/- |
BPS-29C | Normal proverty curve-App. | 4500/- |
BPS-30 | Biotech Kinesthesio meter board | 3700/- |
BPS-31 | Biotech Kinesthetic figueral after Effect. | 4200/- |
BPS-32 | Depth perception on apparatus. | 5500/- |
BPS-33 | Person perception set. | 300/- per set |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. | |
BPS-40 | Steadiness tester - simple elect. | 2000/- | |
BPS-40A | Steadiness Tester-electrical with impulse counter. | 4500/- | ![]() |
BPS-41 | Finger desterity with 100 pin & forceps. | 11500/- | |
BPS-42 | FInger dynamometer exp. for export skills. | 10500/- | |
BPS-43 | Two hand co-ordination app. | 10500/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
BPS-49 | Blind goggles. | 100/- |
BPS-50A | Wooden screen 15x18" | 850/- |
BPS-50B | Wooden Screen 12x15" | 670/- |
BPS-51 | Portraits (Photo) of Psychologist & Educational (Coloured ) framed / laminated 11x17" 1. David wechsler 2. H.J.eysenck 3. Alfred Binet 4. Kurf Lewin 5. Wilheim Wundt 6. Gordon Allport 7. B.S.Skinner 8. sigmund Freud 9. Edward L Throndike 10. Lvan P. Pavlov 11. Jean PIaget 12. Wolfang Kohler 13. Aristotle 14. Aristotle 15. Erikh- Erikson 16. Rollo Mary 17. Albert Bandura 18. Lewis Terman 19. Henry Murry 20. Sarvapally 21. Robert Plutchik 22. Hermann VonHelmholtze 23. William James 24. Mahatma Gandhi 25. Swami Vivejanand 26. Arbindo 27. Humayan Kabir 28. Ravindra Nath Tagore 29. Giju Bhai 30. Sarvapally Radha Krishna 31. A.C.Mudaliar 32. D.S. Kothari 33. M.B. Bnch. | 475/- |
BPS 52 | Eminent psychologist slide- set of 20 slides. (Each set ) | 475/- |
BPS-52A | -do- set of 53 slide | 1200/- |
BPS-53 | Memtronom Electronic. | 4500/- |
BPS-53A | Metronome Mechanical imported. | 4500/ |
BPS-54 | Hand tally counter | 450/- |
BPS-55 | Metronome importan mechanical german | 1170/- |
BPS-56 | Head phone export quality. | 900/- |
BPS-57 | Tool Box -complete set for minor repair of psychological apparatus | 1350/- |
BPS-58 | Stop watch electronic 1/100 sec Racer | 700/- |
BPS-59 | Stop watch 1/10 seconds metalic diamond/imported | 2900/- |
BPS-59 A | Stop clock fly back action | 675/- |
Code Number | Product Code | Price Rs. |
BPS-60 | Lingus Phone- Most advance App.The following experiment & processes can be performed by Lingua phone, an excellent tool for language learnig laboratories 1. 71 early developemnt skills. 2. 45 skills of grammer & structure. 3. 24 Skills of Vocabulary. 4. Foundation on good hand writing. 5. Active vocabulary of 1300 words. 6. Fit in the Primary curriculum 7. Uses latest teaching methodology. 8. Learning through fun and playway method | 39500/- |
Physiological charts
Code Number | Product Code | Price Rs. |
BPS-61 | Human Physiological charts-poly art size 75x100 (imp. sheet ) with roller.set of 12 charts 1. Muscles 2. DIgestive system 3. Respiratory sys 4. Nervous system 5. Skeleton 6. Lymphatic sys. 7. Teeth & Skin 8. Sexuality Transmitted Disease. 9. Endocrine sys 10.Immune Sys 11.Human EYe,ear & head. 12.Circulatory system | 3380/- set |
BPS-62 | -do- Each chart if required. | 355/- |
BPS-63 | Human physiological charts set of 12 as above but laminated ( size 75 x100 ) | 1825/- set |
BPS-64 | -do- Each chart if required. | 170/- |
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Ability Test (Concept Formation)
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Youth Problem Inv | 1650/- |
2 | Verbal concept formation Test | 1100/- |
3 | Non-Verbal concept formation Test | 1100/- |
4 | Hoffman concept formation Test | 2300/- |
Aptitude & Ability Test
Code Number | Product Name | Price Code |
1 | Differential Aptitude Test | 11250/- |
2 | General Science Ability test | 750/- |
3 | Chatterji,s scientific knowledge and aptitude test | 1250/- |
4 | Mechanical apptitude test battery | 3300/- |
5 | Study habbit and Atitude Test | 1125/- |
6 | Analytical reasoning test | 625/- |
7 | Algebra problem solving ability | 500/- |
Personality Test & Projective Technique
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Executive personality scale | 1000/- |
2 | The Inferiority Questioon-aried | 1300/- |
3 | Bell's Adjustment Inventry | 1100/- |
4 | Children Appreception Test | 3000/- |
Interest Scale
Code Number | Product Name | Price Code |
1 | Mathmatical Preference Scale- | 900/- |
2 | Vocational Preferences Scale- | 700/- |
3 | Intrest Record- | 1800/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Suggestibility line trap method | 150 |
2 | Mannual for rorschach test | 600 |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Security - insecurity inventory | 800 |
2 | ndian adaptation of maslow's security-insecurity inventory | 800 |
3 | A test for temperament survey | 800 |
4 | depression inventory (personal assement inventory) | 900 |
5 | Depression test | 900 |
6 | Mental depression scale | 1900 |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Ascendance-submission scale | 800/- |
2 | Assertiveness scale | 800/- |
Code Number | Product Name & Description | Price Rs. |
1 | Free Association Test with Manual Hindi/English | 650/- |
2 | Controlled Association Test with Manual Hindi/English. | 650/- |
Code Number | Product Name & Description | Price Rs. |
1 | HandBook of Intelligence : Concept, Theories, Assessment & Application- English. | 900/- |
2 | Verbal Adult Intelligence Scale - English | 4500/- |
3 | Multiple Intelligence Scale - Hindi/English | 4500/- |
4 | General Mental Ability Test for Children - Hindi/English | 3000/- |
5 | Group Test of Intelligence - English - For 9 to 14 years, Class V to VIII | 3000/- |
6 | Group Test of Intelligence - English - For 12 to 18 years, Class VIII to XI | 3000/- |
7 | Verbal Intelligence Test - Hindi | 1875/- |
8 | Children's Intelligence Scale - English | 12750/- |
9 | Test of General Intelligence- Hindi/English. | 1500/- |
10 | Group Test of General Mental Ability - Hindi, 13 to 16 years, for class VIII, IX, X | 1500/- |
11 | The Group Test of General Mental Ability - English, For Adult | 1500/- |
12 | Group Test of Intelligence - Hindi | 1500/- |
13 | Mixed Type Group Test of Intelligence - Hindi/ English | 3000/- |
14 | Emotional Intelligence Scale - Hindi/English, For 12 Years and above age | 1875/- |
15 | Emotional Intelligence Scale - Hindi/English, For Executive (ADULT) | 1875/- |
16 | Emotional Intelligence Scale (Situational) - English | 1875/- |
17 | Emotional Intelligence Test - Hindi/English, for Undergraduate and Post graduate | 1875/- |
18 | Emotional Intelligence Inventory - Hindi/English. | 2250/- |
19 | Seven fold Emotional Intelligence Scale - English | 1875/- |
20 | Multi factor Emotional Intelligence - Hindi | 3000/- |
21 | Teacher’s Emotional Intelligence Inventory - Hindi/English | 2250/- |
22 | Teacher Emotional Intelligence Scale- English | 2250/- |
23 | Five-fold Emotional Intelligence Scale for Teachers - English | 2250/- |
24 | Sports Emotional Intelligence Test - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
25 | Spiritual Intelligence Test - Hindi / English | 1875/- |
26 | Spiritual Intelligence Scale - English/Hindi | 1875/- |
27 | Sixfold Spiritual Intelligence Scale - English, For Adult | 1875/- |
28 | Spiritual Quotient - Hindi/English | 2250/- |
29 | Social Intelligence Scale - Hindi/ English | 3000/- |
30 | Social Intelligence Scale for Teachers - English | 2250/- |
31 | General Mental Alertness Test- Hindi/English. | 1500/- |
32 | P. G. I. Battery For Assessment of Mental Efficiency in the Elderly- Hindi/English | 1500/- |
33 | Cognitive Abilities Test - Hindi/English, For class 7th and 8th, age group 12 to 14 years.) | 2250/- |
34 | Cognitive Ability Test - English, For students studying in secondary and senior secondary schools.) | 2250/- |
35 | Cognitive Style Inventory - Hindi/English. | 1500/- |
36 | Cognitive Capabilities Test for Transition Period - English | 3000/- |
37 | Experiment on Cognitive Dissonance - Hindi | 1500/- |
38 | Cognitive Distoration Scale - Hindi/English | 1500/- |
39 | Meta-Cognitive Skills Scale - Hindi/English | 1875/- |
40 | Meta Cognition Inventory - Hindi / English | 1875/- |
41 | Meta-Cognition Scale - English | 1875/- |
42 | Knowledge & Opinion Questionnaire on Rights, Immunities & Privileges of Persons with Mental Retardation - English | 2250/- |
Non-Verbal (Paper Pencil)
Code Number | Product Code | Price Rs. |
1 | Bicycle Drawing for Measuring Intelligence - English | 1500/- |
2 | Draw a Man Test Children | 1875/- |
3 | Gessells Drawing Test of Intelligence | 3000/- |
4 | Developmental Screening Test - English | 2500/- |
5 | Non-Verbal Group Intelligence Test - Hindi/English. | 3750/- |
6 | Matching Familiar Figure Test - English | 3750/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Seguin Form Board Test with Hand Book & Response Sheet - Mental age group 3 to 15 years | 4875/- |
2 | The Pass-a Long Test of Intelligence with Cards and Manual & Scoring Sheet. | 3375/- |
3 | Kohs Block Design Test | 3375/- |
4 | Cube Construction Test | 3000/- |
5 | Pandey’s Cognitive Development Test for Pre-schoolers | 9000/- |
6 | Bhatia's. Battery of Performance Tests of Intelligence | 8250/- |
7 | The Revised Bhatia’s Short Battery of Performance Tests of Intelligence for Adults | 5250/- |
8 | Children's Pictorial Measure of Social Cognitive Ability | 7315/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Reasoning Ability Test - English | 1500/- |
2 | Reasoning Ability Test - Hindi | 1500/- |
3 | Reasoning Ability Test - Hindi/English | 1500/- |
4 | Logical Thinking Test - Hindi/English | 1500/- |
5 | Reasoning Ability In Science - English | 1500/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Test of Higher Mental Ability In Science - Hindi/English | 1875/- |
2 | Problem Solving Ability Test - Hindi/English | 2250/- |
3 | Problem Solving Ability in Mathematics | 2250/- |
4 | Passi-Usha Test of Creative Problem Solving - Hindi/English | 1500/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Teacher Education Concept Attainment Test - English | 1875/- |
2 | Experiments on Concept Formation - Hindi/English | 2250/- |
3 | Concept Achievement (Formation) Test | 2700/- |
5 | Concept Attainment Test - Hindi/English | 1875/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Reading comprehension test - English | 1500/- |
2 | Reading Test - English | 1500/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Passi test of creativity - Hindi/English | 3900/- |
2 | Verbal test of creative thinking - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
3 | Non-verbal test of creative thinking - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
4 | Verbal test of scientific creativity - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
5 | Language creativity test - Hindi/English | 2600/- |
6 | Divergent production abilities - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
7 | Mental imagery questionnaire - English | 1300/- |
8 | Children curiosity scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
9 | Essay paragraph analysis scale - Hindi / English. | 1300/- |
10 | Conversational Coding and Its Application in Sending written Message–2 Coding Decoding Tests with Application of 12 Systems of Coding - Hindi / English | 1300/- |
11 | Test of Thinking Strategies - English | 6000/- |
12 | Critical thinking scale - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
13 | Critical thinking scale - English | 1950 |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Distinctive (Specific Abilities) Aptitude Test Battery - English | 6500/- |
2 | Davis's balttery of differentia Abilities | 11250/- |
3 | Spatial perception ability test - English | 1950/- |
4 | Scientific aptitude test for college student - Hindi/English. | 1300/- |
5 | Scientific aptitude test battery - Hindi/English. | 1300/- |
6 | Adolescents' Scientific Aptitude Test - English | 1300/- |
7 | Scientific aptitude test - English | 1300/- |
8 | Teaching aptitude test battery | 1350/- |
9 | Numerical Ability Test - English | 1300/- |
10 | Teaching aptitude test Battery - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
11 | Teaching aptitude test - English | 1300/- |
12 | Managerial Aptitude Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
13 | Managerial Aptitude Test Battery - English | 1300/- |
14 | Aptitude Test for Computing Professionals - English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | General class room Achievement test Class VI or VII - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
2 | Achievement test battery - Hindi | 1300/- |
3 | Mathematics achievement test - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
4 | Achievement test in mathematics in English NEW | 1300/- |
5 | Achievement test in mathematics multiple choice questions - English | 1300/- |
6 | Mathematics achievement test - Hindi | 1300/- |
7 | Modern mathematical concept test - English | 1300/- |
8 | Mathematical Concept Attainment Test - Hindi | 1300/- |
9 | Mathematics Knowledge Test - English | 1300/- |
10 | Student Engagement in Mathematics Scale - English | 1300/- |
11 | Geometric concept test - English | 1300/- |
12 | Trigonometric concept test - English | 1300/- |
13 | Method of mathematical operation - English | 1300/- |
14 | Statistical competency test - English | 1300/- |
15 | Hindi achievement test - hindi | 1300/- |
16 | English language proficiency test - English | 1300/- |
17 | English Achievement Test - English | 1300/- |
18 | Achievement test in accountancy - English | 1300/- |
19 | Environmental science achievement test - English | 1300/- |
20 | Environment concept achievement test - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
21 | Biology achievement test - English | 1300/- |
22 | Botany achievement test - Hindi | 1300/- |
23 | Achievement test in science - English, This test consists 39 items. for Class 11th | 1300/- |
24 | Achievement Test in Science - English, (This test consists 107 items in Four Area— I. Physics, II. Chemistry, III. Electronics, IV. Biology.) - For class X | 1625 |
25 | Science Achievement Test - English, (This scale consists 60 items divided into Three Objectives—I. Chemistry, II. Physics, III. Biology IV. - For Class IX | 1300/- |
26 | Science Achievement Test - Hindi | 1300/- |
27 | Science Achievement Test - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
28 | Battery of process based tests in physics - Hindi | 1300/- |
29 | Physics achievement test - Hindi | 1300/- |
30 | Sanskrit achievement test | 1300/- |
31 | Adult education achievement test - Hindi | 1300/- |
32 | Diagnostic test in decimal systems and percentage - Hindi | 975/- |
33 | Organizational Achievement Test - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Career maturity inventory - Hindi/English | 3750/- |
2 | Multifasic interest inventory - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
3 | Multi factor interest Questionnaire | 3000/- |
4 | comprehensive intrest schedule male from CIS-MV | 2250/- |
5 | DO- female From CIS-FV | 2250/- |
6 | Indian classificatory system of Vocational expression blank | 750/- |
7 | Vocational attitude maturity scale - Hindi/English | 975/- |
8 | Educational interest record - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
9 | Career preference record - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
10 | Career Options Awareness Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
11 | Career decision making scale- English | 1300/- |
12 | Career Commitment Scale - English | 1300/- |
13 | Vocational guidance need scale - English | 1300/- |
14 | Vocational interest record - Hindi/English. | 1300/- |
15 | Goal orientation scale - English | 1300/- |
16 | Mastery Goal Orientation Scale - English | 1300/- |
17 | Career conflict scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
18 | interest inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
19 | Mathematical interest scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
20 | Science interest test - Hindi | 1300/- |
21 | Music Interest Inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
22 | Scientific interest inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
23 | Test of science processes - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
24 | Political interest scale - English | 1300/- |
25 | Political interest scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
26 | Test of study habits and attitudes - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
27 | Study habit inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
28 | Study Habit Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
29 | Study Habits Test - Hidi/English | 1300/- |
30 | Adolescent's habits scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
31 | Sustainable Habits Scale - hindi/English | 1300/- |
32 | Guidance Needs Inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
33 | Guidance Needs Scale - English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Democratic Value Test - English | 1300/- |
Spiritual values scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- | |
3 | Value of spirit of nationality - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
4 | Television programme value Assessment scale - hindi/English | 1300/- |
5 | study of value test - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
6 | Personal value questionnaire - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
7 | Personal value scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
8 | Value test - Hindi | 975/- |
9 | Comprehensive value scale - Hindi/English | 975/- |
10 | Value conflict scale - Hindi/English | 1430/- |
11 | Value orientation scale - English | 1300/- |
12 | Differential values questionnaire - Hindi | 975/- |
13 | Value orientation affected by movies - Hindi | 1300/- |
14 | Teacher value inventory - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
15 | Career and family values scale - English | 1950/- |
Aspiration Scale
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Level of Aspiration Measure (Performance Type) - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
2 | Target Dart Test (Grouping Method - English | 3250 |
3 | Target Dart Test (Application Method) - English | 3250 |
4 | Occupational Aspiration Scale - hindi/English | 1300/- |
5 | Level of Educational Aspiration Test (CLASS VI TO X) - English | 1300/- |
6 | Educational Aspiration Inventory - English | 1300/- |
7 | Educational Aspiration Scale (FROM V.) - hindi/English | 1300/- |
8 | Educational Aspiration Scale (FROM P.) - hindi/English | 1300/- |
9 | Career Aspiration Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
Attitude Scale
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Peace Attitude Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
2 | Peace Education Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
3 | Peace Awareness Scale - English | 1300/- |
4 | Peace Education Awareness Scale - English | 1300/- |
5 | Attitude Scale Towards Research - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
6 | Research Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
7 | Parental Attitude Towards Pre-School Education Scale - English | 1300/- |
8 | Attitude Towards Elders Scale - English | 1300/- |
9 | Attitude Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
10 | Secular Attitude Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
11 | Sex Behavior Attitude Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
12 | Sexual Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
13 | Attitude Scale Towards Sex Education - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
14 | Sexuality Scale - Hindi/English | 975/- |
15 | Sexuality Awareness Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
16 | Sex Myth Check List - Hindi/English | 975/- |
17 | Family Planning and Birth Control Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
18 | Attitude Scale Towards Family Planning - Hindi | 975 |
19 | Attitude Scale Towards Small Family and Population Education - Hindi/English | 975/- |
20 | Attitude Towards Androgynization of Roles Scale - Hindi | 975/- |
21 | Community Service Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
22 | Addiction Screening Test - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
23 | Relapse Prevention Plan for Alcoholics & Addicts (A Comprehensive Work Book) - English | 1950/- |
24 | Scale of Attitude Towards Drug and Alcohol - Hindi/English | 975/- |
25 | Sodhi’s Attitude Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
26 | Religiosity Scale - English | 1300/- |
27 | Religiosity Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
28 | Attitude Scale Towards Religion - Hindi | 1300/- |
29 | Religious Attitude Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
30 | Attitude Scale Towards Education - Hindi | 975/- |
31 | Scientific Temper Inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
32 | Adolescents' Holistic Scientific Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
33 | Scientific Attitude Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
34 | Attitude Towards Science Scale - English | 1300/- |
35 | Attitude Towards Science Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
36 | Science Attitude Scale - hindi/English | 1300/- |
37 | Scientific Attitude Scale - Hindi / English. | 1300/- |
38 | Scientific Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
39 | Yoga Attitude Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
40 | Concentration (Dharansheelta) Scale - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
41 | Mathematics Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
42 | Mathematics Attitude Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
43 | Attitude Towards Mathematics Scale - English | 1300/- |
44 | Geometry Attitude Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
45 | Attitude Towards Hindi Scale. - Hindi | 1300/- |
46 | Marriage Attitude Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
47 | Reactionism-Radicalism Scale - English | 1300/- |
48 | Dowry Attitude Scale - Hindi | 1000/- |
49 | Attitude Towards Educational Administration - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
50 | Attitude Scale Towards Home Work - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
51 | Superstition Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
52 | Supersitious Attitude Scale - Hindi / English | 1300/- |
53 | Superstition Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
54 | Attitude Scale of Creative Teaching - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
55 | Attitude Towards Clothing Behaviour Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
56 | Preparation of Competative Examination with Competative Spirit and Play Atmosphere - English | 1300/- |
57 | Scale for Attitude Towards Co-Curricular Activities - Hindi/English | 975/- |
58 | Attitude Scale on Self Harm - Hindi/English | 975/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Experiment on Resistance to Attitude Change - Hindi | 1300/- |
2 | Modernization scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
3 | Comprehensive Modernization inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
4 | Dimensions of rigidity scale - English | 1300/- |
5 | Rigidity scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
6 | Opinionnaire towards divorce (adults) - Hindi | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Family relationship inventory - Hindi/ English. | 1300/- |
2 | Parent child relationship scale- Hindi | 1300/- |
3 | Parent child relationship scale - Hindi/ English. | 1300/- |
4 | Multi dimensional parenting scale - Hindi/ English. | 1950/- |
5 | Parental rejection acceptance questionnaire (PARQ) - Hindi MOTHER FORM | 1300/- |
6 | (PARQ) - Hindi ADULT FORM | 1300/- |
7 | (PARQ) - Hindi CHILD FORM | 1300/- |
8 | Parenting Style scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
9 | Parenting Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
10 | Three dimensional parental behaviour inventory - Hindi / English | 1300/- |
11 | Parental encouragement scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
12 | Parental encouragement scale (higher secondry school) - Hindi / English | 1300/- |
13 | Children 's perception of parenting scale - Hindi / English | 1300/- |
14 | Parental support scale - English | 1300/- |
15 | Parental involvement scale - Hindi / English | 1300/- |
16 | Parental Pressure Scale - hindi | 1300/- |
17 | Parental disciplinary practice inventory - English | 1300/- |
18 | Adult siblings relationship scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
19 | Peer pressure scale - English | 1300/- |
20 | Home environment inventory - Hindi/English. | 1300/- |
21 | Home environment Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
22 | Home environment Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
23 | Family environment scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
21 | Family climate scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
22 | Family pathology scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Test for social acceptability among peers - Hindi | 975/- |
2 | Parasparik sambandh prashnawali - Hindi/English. | 1300/- |
3 | Interpersonal judgement (attraction) scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
4 | Experiments on social conformity - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
5 | Conformity behaviour - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
6 | Machiavellianism scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
7 | Behaviour orientation scale Hindi/English | 1300/- |
8 | Loneliness scale - English | 1300/- |
9 | Perceived Loneliness Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
10 | loneliness inventory | 1625/- |
11 | Social loafing (Facilitation) scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
12 | Dimensions of friendship scale - English | 1300/- |
13 | Social maturity scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
14 | Social maturity scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
15 | Social Maturity Scale - English | 1300/- |
16 | Social competence scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
17 | Social competence scale - English | 1950/- |
18 | Spiritual Competence Scale - English | 1950/- |
19 | Emotional maturity scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
20 | Emotional maturity scale - English | 1300/- |
21 | Adolescent's Emotional Maturity Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
22 | Emotional stability test for children - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
23 | Emotional stability test for visually disabled children in braille - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
24 | Emotional competence scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
25 | Judging emotions by photographs | 1300/- |
26 | Empathy Situational Test - English | 1300/- |
27 | Empathy scale - English | 1950/- |
28 | Moral judgement test - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
29 | Moral values scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
30 | Moral Values Inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
31 | Moral Development Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Socio-economics status scale (Urban & Rural) - Hindi/English. | 1300/- |
2 | Socio economics status index - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
3 | Socio-economic status scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
4 | Socio economic status scale - English | 1300/- |
5 | Socio economics status scale (Rural) - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
6 | Socio economic status scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
7 | Spending pattern scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
8 | Scale for Assessing social disadvantage - Hindi | 1300/- |
9 | Prolonged deprivation scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
10 | Self expression inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
11 | Deprivation scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Personality Psychology (Concept, Theories and Assessment)- New - English | 975/- |
2 | P.F. Questionnaire | 5250/- |
3 | High school personality questionnaire - Range 12 to 18 years | |
3A | from A | 3750/- |
3B | from B | 3750/- |
4 | Matriculation personality questionnaire | 2250/- |
5 | Children personality questionnaire | 4500/- |
6 | Multi dimensional assement of personality series | 5250/- |
7 | Psychological hardiness scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
8 | Five Personality Trait Inventory - Hindi/English | 3250/- |
9 | Big five personality inventory - Hindi/English | 3250/- |
10 | Type A B and C personality pattern inventory | 1300/- |
11 | Type A/B Behaviour pattern scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
12 | Differential personality inventory - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
13 | Dimensional personality inventory - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
14 | Sports specific personality test - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
15 | Contact personality factor (Adult) - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
16 | Personality assessment - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
17 | Test of asakti anasakti - hindi/English | 1300/- |
18 | Neuroticism and intra version-extroversion inventory - Hindi | 1300/- |
19 | Personality inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
20 | Introversion-Extroversion Inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
21 | Spiritual Personality Inventory - Hindi/English | 975/- |
22 | Excitability rating scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
23 | Socio-Genic Need Satisfaction Scale - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
24 | Dimensions of temperament scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
25 | Temperament schedule - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
26 | Social preference and social behaviour inventory - Hindi | 1300/- |
27 | Punctuality scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
28 | Obedient-disobedient tendency scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
29 | Risk taking Scale - English | 1900/- |
30 | Risk taking questionnaire - Hindi | 1300/- |
31 | Risk taking Inventory - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
32 | What type of person are you test - Hindi | 975/- |
33 | Teachers Locus of Control Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
34 | Locus of control scale - English | 1300/- |
35 | Locus of Control Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
36 | General Well-Being Scale - Hindi /English | 1300/- |
37 | Psychological Well-Being Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
38 | Psychological Well-being Scale - English | 1300/- |
39 | P. G. I. General Well-Being Measure - Hindi/English | 1300/ |
40 | Well-Being Scale - English | 1300/ |
41 | Well-Being Index - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
42 | Subjective Well-Being Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Schizophrenia Screening Test - Hindi/English | 2600/- |
2 | Anorexia test - English | 1950/- |
3 | Pain Questionnaire - English | 2340/- |
4 | Suicidal ideation scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
5 | Suicidal Attitude Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
6 | Trauma assessment Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
7 | Eysenck personality questionnaire - Hindi | 1300/- |
8 | Personality questionnaire (R) - English | 1950/- |
9 | Eysenck Maudsley personality inventory - English | 1300/- |
10 | Eysenck Maudsley personality inventory - Hindi | 1300/- |
11 | Adjustment neurotism dimensional inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
13 | Neuroticism scale questionnaire | 2700/- |
14 | Neurotic personality inventory | 1500/- |
15 | Neurosis measurement scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
16 | Clinical analysis questionnaire | 6000/- |
17 | Eight state questionnare | 2700/- |
18 | Depression scale | 2250/- |
19 | Depression proneness scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
20 | Mental Depression Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
21 | Dysfunction analysis questionnaire - Hindi | 1300/- |
22 | Defense Mechanism inventory MALE - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
23 | Defense Mechanism inventory FEMALE - Hindi/ English | 1625/- |
24 | Coping Strategies Scale - Hindi/English | 975/- |
25 | Behavioural deviance scale - Hindi/English | 1675/- |
26 | Clinical case study from - Hindi | 1300/- |
27 | Clinical case study from - English | 1300/- |
28 | Fear check list - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
29 | Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Hindi/English | 1900/- |
30 | Diagnostic Test of Attention Deficit Hyperkinetic Disorder - English | 7150/- |
31 | Conduct disorder test - English | 1300/- |
32 | Autism Distressed Behaviour Scale - English | 1950/- |
33 | Autism Maladaptive Behaviour Scale - English | 1950/- |
34 | Autism Spectrum Disorder Questionnaire - English | 6500/- |
35 | Attitude Scale of Sexual Health Education Parents of Children with Autism - English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | The Rorschach Ink Blot Test (The Response Analysis System) | 1040/- |
2 | The Rorschach Test (A Practical Manual) | 390/- |
3 | Rorschach Inkblot Test (A Primer for Beginners). | 195/- |
4 | Thematic Apperception test | 9000/- |
5 | Thematic apperception test indian adaption | 4500/- |
6 | Lowenfeld mosaic test | 9750/- |
7 | Sentence completion test - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
8 | Case Study Form - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
9 | Case study Techniques - Hindi | 1300/- |
10 | Case study blank - English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Personality differential scale (short) - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
2 | Personality differential scale (full) | 1950/- |
3 | Self concept rating scale - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
4 | Self concept scale -English | 1625/- |
5 | Swatah bodh parikshan -Hindi | 1300/- |
6 | Self concept Questionnaire - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
7 | Self Concept Scale - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
8 | Children's self concept scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
9 | Teacher Self Concept Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
10 | Self esteem scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
11 | Self esteem scale - English | 1300/- |
12 | Kakkar self Acceptance inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
13 | Self perception measuring scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
14 | Self actualization inventory - Hindi | 1300/- |
15 | Self Actualization Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
16 | Self perception adjective check list - Hindi | 1300/- |
17 | Academic Actual Ideal Self Discrepancy Scale - English | 1300/- |
18 | Self Awareness Scale - English | 1300/- |
19 | Self control scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
20 | Self-Confidence Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
20 | Self confidence inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
21 | Self Confidence Inventory - Hindi | 1300/- |
22 | Adolescents Self-confidence Scale - English | 1300/- |
23 | Teacher's Self Confidence Scale - English | 1300/- |
24 | Teacher's Self Confidence Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
25 | Personal Effectiveness Scale - English | 1300/- |
26 | Self Understanding Test - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
27 | Self Restrain Behavioural Scale - English | 1300/- |
28 | Self Knowledge Scale - English | 1300/- |
29 | Self Disclosure Inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
30 | Self Disclosure Inventory - Hindi | 1300/- |
31 | Existential Concerns Scale (Scoring Sheet) - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Motivation Analysis test | 5250/- |
2 | Social motives scales - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
3 | Power motive inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
4 | Need pattern scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
5 | Need pattern scale - English | 1300/- |
6 | Achievement motive test - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
7 | Achievement motive scale - Hindi | 975/- |
8 | Achievement motivation scale (n-Ach) - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
9 | Achievement motivation test projective - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
10 | Achievement Motivation Scale - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
11 | Approval motive scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
12 | Children's approval seeking test - Hindi/english | 1300/- |
13 | Academic Motivation Inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
14 | Academic achievement motivation test - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
15 | Study involvement inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Adjustment inventory - Hindi | 1300/- |
2 | Old - age adjustment inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
3 | High school adjustment inventory - Hindi | 1300/- |
4 | Adjustment inventory for school students - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
5 | Student School Adjustment Scale - English | 1625/- |
6 | Adjustment inventory for college students - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
7 | Adjustment inventory - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
8 | Educational Adjustment inventory - Hindi | 1300/- |
9 | Social adjustment scale for the aged - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
10 | Marital Adjustment Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
11 | Marital adjustment inventory - English | 1300/- |
12 | Marital Adjustment Questionnaire - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
13 | Mangal teacher adjustment inventory - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
14 | Mangal teacher adjustment inventory (Short Form)- Hindi/English | 1300/- |
15 | Teacher's Professional Adjustment Inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
16 | Social Adjustment Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
17 | Social adjustment inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
18 | Youth problem inventory - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
19 | Problem check list - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
20 | Problem behaviour check list - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
21 | Problem Behaviour Scale - English | 1950 |
22 | Problem behaviour survey schedule - English | 1625/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Impulsiveness scale - Hindi/English | 975/- |
2 | Frustration Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
3 | Picture frustration study | 5250/- |
4 | Reactions to frustration scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
5 | Frustration tolerance - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
6 | Overt aggression test - English | 1300/- |
7 | Aggression scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
8 | Aggression inventory - Hindi | 1300/- |
9 | Aggression scale - Hindi/English | 1430/- |
11 | Aggressive behaviour scale - English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Personal stress source inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
2 | Anxiety, depression and stress scale - hindi/English | 1950/- |
3 | students stress scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
4 | Stress management scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
5 | Bisht battery of stress scales - Hindi | 3250/- |
6 | Stress Coping Strategies Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
7 | Academic Stress inventory for school students - Hindi | 1300/- |
8 | Scale for Assessing Academic Stress - English | 3250/- |
9 | Academic Stress Scale - Hindi/English | 975/- |
10 | Experiments on induce stress and task performance - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
11 | Stress scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
12 | Stress scale - English | 1300/- |
13 | Women Teachers Stress Scale - English | 1300/- |
14 | Acculturative Stress Scale - English | 1300/- |
15 | Coping Mechanism Scale - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
16 | State-trait anxiety test - English | 2340/- |
17 | sinha's comprehensive anxity test - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
18 | comprehensive anxiety test - Hindi/English | 1430/- |
19 | General anxiety scale for children - Hinid | 975/- |
20 | Anxiety scale -English | 1300/- |
21 | Sexual anxiety scale - Hindi/English | 975/- |
22 | Academic anxiety scale for children - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
23 | Academic Anxiety Scale - English | 1300/- |
24 | Test anxiety scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
25 | Test anxiety scale for children - Hindi | 975/- |
26 | Mindfulness Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
27 | Death Anxiety Scale (Age 25 to 55 yrs) - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
28 | Death Anxiety Scale (Age 18 to 25 yrs) - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
29 | Fear of Death Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
30 | Fear of Personal Death Scale - English | 1300/- |
31 | Educational Anxiety Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
32 | Examination Anxiety Scale - English | 1300/- |
33 | Student’s Examination Anxiety Test - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
34 | Mathematics Anxiety Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
35 | Mathematics Anxiety Scale - English | 1300/- |
36 | Security-Insecurity Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | PGI Battery of brain dysfunction - Hindi/English | 10000/- |
2 | Medico-Psychological Questionnaire - English | 1625/- |
3 | Psycho-physiological state inventory - | 3000/- |
4 | presumptive stressful life event scale - English | 1300/- |
5 | PGI memory scale (Set of Cards) - Hindi/English | 3250/- |
6 | Test of Memory - Hindi/English | 2600/- |
7 | Cornell medical index health questionnaire male or Female | 1300/- |
8 | Mental health battery - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
9 | Mental health check list - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
10 | Mental Health Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
11 | Positive Mental Health Inventory - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
12 | Women Teachers Mental Health Scale - English | 1300/- |
13 | P. G. I. Health Questionnaire N-1 - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
14 | Optimum Health Scale - English | 1300/- |
15 | Adolescent Girls' Health Problems Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
16 | Spiritual Health Scale - Hindi/English | 1950 |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Social Behaviour Scale - English | 1300/- |
2 | Altruism scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
3 | ego scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
4 | Ego Virtues Inventory - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
5 | Level of Consciousness Scale (For Mentally Challenged Children.) - Hindi/English | 975/- |
6 | Narcissism Scale - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
7 | Happiness Scale (Age 18 to 40 yrs) - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
8 | Happiness Scale (Age 10 to 40 yrs) - Hindi/English | 1430/- |
9 | Forgiveness scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
10 | Conflictive Thoughts Analysis Inventory - English | 2600/- |
11 | Conflicts Resolution Ability Scale - Hindi/English | 975/- |
12 | HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Awareness Test - Hindi | 1300/- |
13 | Attitude scale towards voluntary "HIV/AIDS" TESTING - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
14 | AIDS awareness inventory - English | 1300/- |
15 | Awareness on sexual health education - English | 1300/- |
16 | HIV risk perception questionnaire | 3750/- |
17 | Social Support Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
18 | Social problem scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
19 | Social Phobia Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
20 | Comprehensive Fear Scale - English | 1950/- |
21 | Social Relationship Scale - English | 1300/- |
22 | Social Awareness Scale - English | 1300/- |
23 | Bullying Assessment Scale - English | 1300/- |
24 | Child Abuse Scale - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
25 | helplessness scale - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
26 | Self efficiency scale (12 years and above) - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
27 | Self efficiency scale (14+ years above) - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
28 | Students Self Efficacy Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
29 | Self Efficacy Scale - English | 1300/- |
30 | Emotional Self-Efficacy Scale - English | 1300/- |
31 | Self Efficacy Scale for Teachers - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
32 | Teacher Self Efficacy Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
33 | Teacher Self Efficacy Scale - English | 1300/- |
34 | Computer Self Efficacy Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
35 | Research Self-Efficacy Scale - English | 1300/- |
36 | Extinguishing Belief in Superstition - English | 1300/- |
37 | Spiritual belief scale - hindi/English | 1300/- |
38 | Social Belief Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
39 | Superstitious belief scale - English | 1300/- |
40 | Motivational Beliefs Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
41 | Criminal Propensity Scale - English | 1300/- |
42 | Social Distance Scale - Hindi/English | 975/- |
43 | Cultural Determination Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
44 | Situational test of intolerance of ambiguity - Hindi | 1300/- |
45 | Feminist identity test - English | 1300/- |
46 | Identity Fusion Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
47 | Menopausal Problem Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
48 | women social freedom scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
49 | Domestic Violence Against Women Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
50 | National integration questionnaire - Hindi/English | 1950/- |
51 | Sense of nationalism scale - Hindi | 1950/- |
52 | Student activism scale - Hinsi | 1300/- |
53 | Student alienation scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
54 | Alienation scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
55 | Alienation scale - English | 1300/- |
55 | Authoritarianism scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
56 | Indian F-scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
57 | interpersonal exploitatin scales - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
58 | Emotional violance scale (Against women) - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
59 | Truant Behaviour Scale - English | 1300/- |
60 | Sex differentiation of roles adjective check list - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
61 | Comprehensive scale of tension - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
62 | Prejudice scale - Hindi/English | 1430/- |
63 | burnout inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
64 | Teachers' Burnout Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
65 | Practising wisdom assessment scale - English | 1300/- |
66 | IVRS based daily monitoring of mid day meal measure - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
67 | Quality of life scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
68 | Cruelty towards animals scales - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
69 | Terrorism proneness scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
70 | Delinquency Proneness Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
71 | Leisure time activity scale - English | 1300/- |
72 | Insomnia Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
73 | Peer Victimisation Scale - English | 1300/- |
74 | Persuation Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
75 | Assertiveness Assessment Inventory - English | 2600/- |
76 | Patient Loyality Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
77 | Adult Challenges Scale - English | 1300/- |
78 | Contextual Influence Scale - English | 1300/- |
79 | Gender Equality Scale - English | 1300/- |
80 | Violence Scale - English | 1300/- |
81 | Global Competencies Scale - English | 1300/- |
82 | Pre-marital Life Partner Expectation Scale - ENglish | 1300/- |
83 | Innovation Attributes Scale - English | 1950/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Handbook of Educational Research - English | 260/- |
2 | Teacher attitude scale - English | 975/- |
3 | Teacher attitude inventory - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
4 | Teacher Attitude Towards Teaching Scale - English | 1300/- |
5 | Teacher attitude scale towards inclusive education - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
6 | Attitude scale towards teaching profession - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
7 | Teachers' Attitude Scale Towards Teaching Profession - English | 1300/- |
8 | Teacher's Attitude Towards Educational Media | 1300/- |
9 | Student's Attitude Towards Educational Media - English | 1300/- |
10 | Teacher's Attitude Scale Towards Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
11 | Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
12 | Teacher freezing scale - English | 1300/- |
13 | Teacher's vocational maturity battery - Hindi | 1300/- |
14 | Change proneness inventory - Hindi | 1300/- |
15 | Change proneness scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
16 | Student's liking scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
17 | Student Unrest Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
18 | pupil control ideology scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
19 | Teacher rating scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
20 | General teaching competency scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
21 | Teacher's Teaching Competence Scale - English | 1300/- |
22 | Professional Competency Scale - English | 1300/- |
23 | Teacher Professional Ethics Scale - English | 1300/- |
24 | Teacher's Social Emotional Competency Scale - English | 1300/- |
25 | Indore teaching assessment scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
26 | Training of feedback donor - English | 1300/- |
27 | Teachers Professional Commitment Scale - English | 1300/- |
28 | Professional commitment scale for teacher educators - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
29 | Professional commitment scale for teachers - HIndi/English | 1300/- |
30 | Teacher's role commitment scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
31 | Teachers commitment inventory - English | 1300/- |
32 | Teacher Empowerment Scale - English | 1300/- |
33 | Teacher's Self Appraisal of Classroom Practices Scale -English | 1300/- |
34 | Teacher Excellence Scale - English | 1300/- |
35 | Teacher effectiveness scale - English | 1300/- |
36 | Teacher effectiveness scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
37 | Teacher effectiveness scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
38 | Perceived Teacher Engagement Scale - English | 1300/- |
39 | Indore teachers job stressors scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
40 | Teacher's job satisfaction questionnaire - Hindi | 1300/- |
41 | Teacher’s Job Satisfaction Scale - English | 1300/- |
42 | Teacher's job satisfaction questionnaire - English | 1300/- |
43 | Job satisfaction scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
44 | Teacher's Job Satisfaction Scale - English | 1300/- |
45 | Job Involvement Scale - English | 1300/- |
46 | Job Activity Analysis Scale - English | 1300/- |
47 | Job Description Scale - English | 1300/- |
48 | Kakkar Interest in Teaching Scale - English | 1300/- |
49 | Kakkar Fitness for Teaching Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
50 | Organizational climate scale for teachers - English | 1300/- |
51 | College climate questionnaire - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
52 | School climate scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
53 | School Climate Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
54 | Classroom Climate Scale - English | 1300/- |
55 | Socio-emotional school climate inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
56 | Academic climate description questionnaire - Hindi | 1300/- |
57 | Academic cheating scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
58 | Academic Engagement Scale - English | 1300/- |
59 | Academic Resilience Scale - English | 1300/- |
60 | Psychological Resilience Scale - English | 1300/- |
61 | Cope-Up (Resilience) Scale (Boys) - English | 1300/- |
62 | Cope-Up (Resilience) Scale (Girls) - English | 1300/- |
63 | Academic procrastination scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
64 | Academic procrastination scale - English | 1300/- |
65 | Academic Self Handicapping Scale - English | 1300/- |
66 | School environment inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
67 | School environment inventory - Hindi | 1300/- |
68 | student's motivational needs scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
69 | Student's motivation scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
70 | Student Engagement Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
71 | Students Engagement in Learning Scale - English | 1300/- |
72 | School Dropout Causes Scale - English | 1300/- |
73 | scale for attitude towards open and distance education - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
74 | Distance Education Perception Scale - English | 1300/- |
75 | Attitude scale for for teacher eligibility test - English | 1300/- |
75 | Occupational Stress Scale for Teachers - English | 1300/- |
76 | Teacher's occupational stress scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
77 | Teacher's occupational stress scale - English | 1300/- |
78 | Teacher Educators' Occupational Stress Scale - English | 1300/- |
79 | Occupational stress scale for physical education teachers - English | 1300/- |
80 | Teacher stress scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
81 | Teacher Stress Scale - English | 1300/- |
82 | Teacher's Stress Questionnaire - English | 1300/- |
83 | Teacher's Work-place Stress Scale - English | 1300/- |
84 | Teachers Work Related Stress Scale - English | 1300/- |
85 | Teachers Work Accountability Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
86 | Teacher's Sense of Responsibility Scale - English | 1300/- |
87 | Teacher's Quality of Work Life Scale - English | 1300/- |
88 | Teacher's Work Culture Scale - English | 1300/- |
89 | Teacher Motivational Climate Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
90 | Teacher's Occupational Aspiration Questionnaire - English | 1300/- |
91 | B-School Brand-Image Profile - English | 1300/- |
92 | Scale for Anxiety Towards the Use of Instructional AIDS in Teaching - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
93 | Teachers Technological Pedagogical Contant Knowledge Scale - English | 1300/- |
94 | Teacher's Techno-Pedagogical Competence Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
95 | Teachers' Morale Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
96 | Student's Institution Satisfaction Scale - English | 1300/- |
97 | Teachers Professional Development Scale - English | 1300/- |
98 | Teacher Educator Behaviour Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
99 | Teacher Behaviour Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
100 | Teacher's Leadership Behaviour Scale - English | 1300/- |
101 | Teacher Classroom Management Behaviour Scale - English | 1300/- |
102 | Teacher's Leadership Skills Test - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
103 | Teacher's Organizational Commitment Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
104 | Teachers' Attitude Scale Towards Teaching and Teacher Student Relationship - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
105 | Administrative Behaviour Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
106 | Decision Making Style Scale - English | 1300/- |
107 | Organisational Health Description Questionnaire - English | 1300/- |
108 | Teacher’s Participation in School Administration Scale - English | 1300/- |
109 | Teacher's Role Conflict Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
110 | Role Conflict Scale for Women Teachers - Hindi | 1300/- |
111 | Test of Knowledge Art for Teachers - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
112 | Test of Psychology for Prospective Teachers - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
113 | Adolescent’s School Satisfaction Inventory - Hindi | 1300/- |
114 | Educational Problems Questionnaire - Hindi | 1300/- |
115 | Adolescent Girls' Educational Problems Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
116 | Teaching Style Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
117 | Self Regulated Learning Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
118 | Learning Style Inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
119 | Time Management Competency Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
120 | Time Management Scale - English | 1300/- |
121 | Inventory for Factors Influencing Sports Career - English | 1300/- |
122 | Teacher's Sense of Humour Scale - English | 1300/- |
123 | Evaluation of Thesis in Social Sciences - English | 1300/- |
124 | Scientific Inquiry Scale - English | 1300/- |
125 | Academic Backwardness Reasons' Scale - English | 1300/- |
126 | Academic Task Commitment Checklist - English | 1300/- |
127 | Curriculum Appraisal Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Comprehensive Battery of Scale of Entrepreneurship - English | 1950/- |
2 | Entrepreneurial Talent Scale - Hindi | 1950/- |
3 | Entrepreneurial Effectiveness Scale - English | 1300/- |
4 | Short Employee Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
5 | Long Employee Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
6 | Organizational Culture Scale - English | 1300/- |
7 | Organizational Trust Scale - English | 1300/- |
8 | Organizational Politics Scale - English | 1300/- |
9 | Quality of Work Life Scale - English | 1300/- |
10 | Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
11 | Organizational Behaviour Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
12 | Organisational Climate Inventory - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
13 | Organizational Climate Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
14 | Work Motivation Questionnaire - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
15 | Motivational Climate Scale - English | 1300/- |
16 | Delegation Effectiveness Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
17 | Occupational Self Efficacy Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
18 | Managerial Creativity Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
19 | Managerial Adaptibility Inadaptability Scale - English | 1300/- |
20 | Managerial Optimism Scale - English | 1300/- |
21 | Leader behaviour scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
22 | Leader Behaviour Assessment Profile - English | 1300/- |
23 | Multi Factor Leadership Questionnaire L (Leader) or R (rater) Forms - Hindi | 1300/- |
24 | Transformational Leadership Scale L (Leader) or R (rater) Forms - Hindi | 1300/- |
25 | Leadership Preference Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
26 | Leadership Effectiveness Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
27 | Leadership Effectiveness Scale - English | 1300/- |
28 | Servant Leadership Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
29 | Team Effectiveness Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
30 | Job Value Questionnaire - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
31 | Job Involvement Scale - hindi/English | 1300/- |
32 | Job Burnout Scale - English | 1300/- |
33 | Job Design Scale - hindi/English | 1300/- |
34 | Information System Effectiveness Scale - English | 1300/- |
35 | Organizational Commitment Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
36 | Occupational Commitment Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
37 | Organisational Conflict Scale - English | 1300/- |
38 | Organizational Communication Scale - English | 1300/- |
39 | Perceived Employability Scale - English | 1300/- |
40 | Perceived Work Environment Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
41 | Work Place Exploitation Scale - English | 1300/- |
42 | Strategic Talent Management Practices Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
43 | Organizational Effectiveness Scale - English | 1300/- |
44 | Obsolescence Assessment Scale - English | 1300/- |
45 | Organizational Job Satisfaction Questionnaire - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
46 | Job Satisfaction Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
47 | Ergonomic Stress Index - English | 1300/- |
48 | Employee’s Mental Health Inventory- hindi/English | 1300/- |
49 | Employee Engagement Scale - English | 1300/- |
50 | Learned Optimism Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
51 | Learning Organization Scale - English | 1300/- |
52 | Cultural Dimension Scale - English | 1300/- |
53 | Humour Effectiveness in Advertising - English | 1300/- |
54 | Interest Advertising Effectiveness - English | 1300/- |
55 | Human Resource Development Climate Scale - English | 1300/- |
56 | Scale for Assessment of Occupational Health Hazards - hindi/English | 1300/- |
57 | Managerial Effectivenes Scale - English | 1300/- |
58 | Scale of Virtual Communities for Business Development - English | 1300/- |
59 | Team Cohesion Scale - Engilsh | 1300/- |
60 | Employee Career Satisfaction Dimensions - English | 1560/- |
61 | Innovation Scale - hindi/English | 1950/- |
Code Number | Product Name & Description | Price Rs. |
1 | Social Pollution Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
2 | Environmental Behaviour Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
3 | Pro Environmental Behaviour Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
4 | Environmental Awareness Ability Measure - hindi/English | 1300/- |
5 | Environmental Education Awareness Test - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
6 | Environmental Awareness Scale - English | 1300/- |
7 | Environmental Awareness Test of Teachers - Hindi | 1300/- |
8 | Environmental Knowledge Test - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
9 | Environmental Pollution Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
10 | Ecological Attitude and Cognitive Scale - English | 1300/- |
11 | Air Pollution Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
12 | Temperature Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
13 | Noise Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
14 | Environmental Ethics Scale - English | 1300/- |
15 | Environmental Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
16 | Weinstein’s Noise Sensitivity Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
17 | Noise Adaptation Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Psychological counselling need scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
2 | Psychological Capital Assessment Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Adolescence girl's empowerment scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
2 | Women Empowerment Scale Though ICTS - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
3 | Home Management Scale - English | 1300/- |
4 | Stalking Experience Scale - Hindi/English | 1300 |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Social skills problem behaviour check list - Hindi/English | 1625/- |
2 | Social skills rating scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
3 | Cooperative Spirit and Skill Scale - English | 1300/- |
4 | Life Skills Scale (15 to 24 yrs) - English | 1300/- |
5 | Life Skills Scale (10 to 19 yrs) - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
6 | Teachers Life Skills Assessment Scale - English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Life style scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
2 | Adolescent Girls' Life Style Scale - English | 1300/- |
3 | Life Satisfaction Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
4 | Life Satisfaction Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
5 | Life Satisfaction Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
6 | Teacher's Life Satisfaction Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Chemistry laboratory competence test - English | 1300/- |
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Computer Related Inventory)
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Smart phone Addiction Scale - Hindi/Engish | 1300/- |
2 | Internet Overuse Scale - English | 1950/- |
3 | Internet Usage Scale - English | 1300/- |
4 | Computer Knowledge Test - English | 1300/- |
5 | Computer Proficiency Scale for Teachers - English | 1300/- |
6 | Teachers Computer Knowledge Test - English | 1300/- |
7 | Teacher Computer Awareness Test - English | 1300/- |
8 | Teacher Mobile Learning Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
9 | Facebook Usage Scale - English | 1300/- |
10 | Internet and Social Networking Sites Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
11 | Cyber Crime Awareness Scale - English | 1300/- |
12 | Attitude Scale Towards Information Communication Technology for Students - English | 1300/- |
13 | Attitude Scale Towards Information Technology for Teachers - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
14 | Cyber Etiquette Scale - English | 1950/- |
15 | Cyber Socialization Scale - English | 1950/- |
16 | E-Learning Orientation Scale - English | 1300/- |
17 | Attitude Towards e-Learning Scale - English | 1300/- |
18 | Computer Attitude Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
19 | Digital Competence Assessment Questionnaire - English | 1950/- |
20 | Attitude Towards Using New Technology Scale - English | 1300/- |
21 | Attitude Towards Using Cyber Resources Scale - English | 1300/- |
22 | Computer Phobia Scale - English | 1300/- |
23 | Digital Gaming Addiction Scale - English | 1950/- |
24 | Students' Mobile Learning Aptitude Scale - English | 1950/- |
25 | Mobile Services Brand Image Profile - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
26 | Mobile Handsets Brand Image Profile - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
27 | Internet Addiction Scale - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
28 | Social Media Influence Scale (for Career Choice) - English | 1300/- |
29 | Information Communication Technology : Self Concept Scale - English | 1300/- |
30 | Information Communication Technology : Attitude Scale - English | 1300/- |
31 | Information Communication Technology : Competency Scale - English | 1300/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Learning Disabilities Battery - English | 2600/- |
2 | HandBook of Learning Disabilities | 520/- |
3 | Verbal Learning Disability Checklist - Hindi/English | 2600/- |
4 | Non-Verbal Learning Disability Checklist - Hindi/English | 2600/- |
5 | Learning Disabilities Scale - Hindi | 1300/- |
6 | At Risk of Dyslexia Screening Tool - English | 1625/- |
7 | Specific Learning Disability Comprehensive Diagnostic Battery - English | 6500/- |
8 | Specific Learning Disability-Screening Questionnaire - Hindi/English | 2600/- |
9 | Learning Disability Screening Tool - Hindi/English | 2600/- |
10 | Diagnostic Spelling Test - English | 1300/- |
11 | Rapid Automatic Naming - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
12 | Test of Written Expression - English | 1300/- |
13 | Reading-Writing Skills for Pre-Primary School Children - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
14 | Academic Performance Rating Scale (Normal Children) - English | 2340/- |
15 | Academic Performance Rating Scale (Special Children) - English | 1560/- |
Code Number | Product Name | Price Rs. |
1 | Human rights awareness test - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
2 | Manavadhikar Moolya-Vikash Prashnawali - Hindi/English | 1300/- |
3 | Scale for Child Rights Practice by Teachers - English | 1300/- |