Survey drawing & Drafting Instruments
Code Number | Product Name & Description | Price (Rs.) |
BSE-1 | Plane Table Complete set-with board size 60x75cm tripod stand set includes metal head brass alidade 45cm in case, spirit level 15cm,through compass 20cm,plum bob & metal fork. | Set 4500/- |
BSE-2 | Plain table complete set : as per ISI specification:-Same as above but as per ISI specification | per set 5800/- |
BSE-3 | Alidade (Sight Vane) brass in a wooden case 24" | 825/- |
BSE-4 | Magnetic trough Compass- in wooden case 15 cm . | 410/- |
BSE-4A | Trough Compass -6" | 350/- |
BSE-5 | Plum Bob with metal fork | 335/- |
BSE-6 | Spirit Level Mason type. | 75/- |
BSE-7 | Spirit Level Engineering/imported. | 700/- |
BSE-8 | Auto level complete with stand-24x | 15990/- |
BSE-9 | Optical Square- Rs-315 (B) Round | 650/- |
BSE-10 | Cross staff with 4 vertical vanes. | 365/- |
BSE-11 | Vernier Transit theodolite as per ISI specification complete with state and other accessories in box | 22500/- |
BSE-11A | Vernier Transit Theodolite-Deluxe quality with erect image | 26500/- |
BSE-12 | Dumpy level quick setting-complete with stand, internal focusing and other standard accessories in box. | 13500/- |
BSE-13 | Telescope Alidade in box. | 6500/- |
BSE-14 | Prismatic compass: 10" dia 12.5" dia 15" dia | 3450/- 4425/- 5325/ |
BSE-15 | Clinometer tangent comp. in case. | 2100/- |
BSE-16 | Clinometer compass 3" dia | 1800/- |
BSE-17 | Abney level in leather case 5" | 2500/- |
BSE-18 | Brunton Compass-complete in leather case. | 2060/- |
BSE-19 | Nautical sextant in wooden box. | 9500/- |
BSE-20 | Chain and tape survey set-Consisting of one 30 meter chain ten metal arrows, one magnetic trough compass , one 15 mtrs, measuring tape and three ranging rods | 3600/- |
BSE-21 | Land measuring chain 30 mtr with arrows. | 1875/- |
BSE-22 | Ranging rods 6 fts or 2m with shoe. | 360/- |
BSE-22A | ---Do---- Folding Type | 390/- |
BSE-23 | Leveling staff aluminium folding type 5 meter | 1875/- |
BSE-24 | Survey Umbrella - Superior Quality | 3150/- |
BSE-25 | Measuring tapes. Cap. in meter 2 3 5 15 30 50 | Rs. 60/- 90/- 150/- 335/- 560/- 1200/- |
BSE-26 | Pocket stereoscope in case complete. | 575/- |
BSE-27 | Mirror stereoscope in case complete | 3700/- |
BSE-28 | Prism Stereoscope with Paralex Bar 3x | 13500/- |
BSE-29 | Aerial photographs pair B & W | 700/- |
BSE-30 | Aerial photographs coloured. | 1140/- |
BSE-31 | Parallex bar for use for stereoscope. | 11000/- |
BSE-32 | SETELITE IMAGINARY-coloured FCC,GEO coded toposheet based on scale 1:50,000 (coloured) for any cloud free date | 27500/- |
BSE-33 | ATLAS (with C.D) | 1500/- |
BSE-34 | Stereo Atlas | 3850/- |
BSE-35 | Planimeter for measuring area | 1200/- |
BSE-36 | Penta Graph for enlarging & reducing. | 2775/- |
BSE-37 | Drawing instrument box - High Quality | 600/- |
BSE-38 | Rotameter - Map Measure Imported | 2000/- |